San Diego Poetry Guild

notes on guild, poetry, and San Diego


Guild Minute

Neither group nor collective nor "crew" nor org nor political party, SDPG nonetheless gathered last week to talk about, in order: hands, color, membership, the Winter Showcase, our new F.S. intern, the next issue of Zazil2, the next showcase, and the status of the guild as something other than group, collective, crew, etc., but still also those things at least in part.

At heart, in fact, I'm starting to think the guild -- this one, SDPG -- is all "show," that is, presentation, performance, line-up, attendance, attention, audience, reaction, response -- and perhaps a special "case" for activist literary insurgency in the modern world.

I'm heartened, in fact, by recent interest in "criminal syndication" as a framework for poetry production and related organizational agendas (see "The New Gangsterism: Poetry as Criminal Syndicate," a report presented recently at the smallpress publishing conference in Buffalo). As the report explains, "A syndicate is union or guild, an organization formed with the purpose of furthering some common interest."

Syndicated poetry activism is precisely what the Guild, for one, seems committed to "show."

So, now more than ever perhaps, a need for more SDPG showcases, which as crimes against the literary status quo seek common purpose in the orchestration of "common interest."



Congratulations to Tim and Kasey -- well done!


What is a Season?

A season is one of the four weather periods of the year. Each season--spring, summer, autumn, and winter--lasts about three months and brings changes in temperature, weather, and the length of daylight.

The changing seasons are caused by the changing position of the Earth in relation to the sun. Astronomers can tell exactly from the Earth's motion around the sun when one season ends and the next one begins.



After I'm done writing about plagiarism I want to do a history of the paper clip. Does anyone know if something like that's been done yet? I've seen (not read) one on the pencil, but not the clip.

Thinking about starting with the feudal genius informing post-industrial bureaucracies, then working through a wide swath of juncture and boundary discourse in order to argue for certain distinctions between the paper clip and, say, the staple, then finishing off with a discourse analysis of DOC reports on the use of paper clips for their own reports.

Anyway, it gets one back into blogging.



What is the meaning hung from that depend


Tao Drops, I Change

Pleased to announce the release of a new book of poems written and assembled by Steve Carll and moi. Available through Steve, Moi, Subpress, and Small Press Distribution.

Lists for $12 but I'd happily deliver it (postage paid) to any blogger who sends $8 to me at home:

Bill Marsh
7661 Troy Terrace
La Mesa, CA 91941


Lessons I Learned (Again) Watching the Super Bowl

Pepsi and I-Tunes now hold intellectual property rights to the very *idea* of pirating music off the web.

Guys still think being a horny, sexist monkey is cool.

Everybody loves Raymond.

The Northern Patriots have defeated the Southern Black Panthers.

Auto manufacturers can now produce, market, and distribute twelve distinct types of automobile in less than two years.

Everybody loves Budweiser.

It's considered good ad copy to use "It's" to describe just about any product -- as in "It's the real thing."

It's now considered unacceptable for tobacco companies to lie to teenagers about the dangers of smoking.

It's now considered unacceptable for television networks to air commercials about the lies a president tells about the dangers of foreign regimes.

Kickers can win and lose games.

It's okay to flash Janet Jackson's right breast for a fraction of a second before breaking away to commercial.* And my fourth-grade daughter thinks that's "pretty weird."

Homer Simpson uses Mastercard.

If we didn't have Pepsi, we wouldn't have had Jimi Hendrix.

*Turns out it isn't.

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