San Diego Poetry Guild

notes on guild, poetry, and San Diego


Methods of Treatment of the Material

[a new installment in an ongoing Assembly Poetics]

A poetic document, and consequently also a poem, is always divided into a great number of separate pieces (more correctly, it is built out of those pieces). The sum of the poem is divided into parts, each part into movements, and, finally, the movements themselves (portions or partitions within a poetic document) are constructed from a whole series of pieces (verbal-visual cues and other performed 'scenes') themselves assembled from various materials.

An actual poem, ready for use as poetry, must take into account this basic property of the poetic document. The poet, a document technician, must be able to assemble his or her material exactly as it will appear upon the paper, the screen, the stage, the Web, etc., thus giving exactly the content of each part as well as its position in the document.

The construction of a poetic movement from pieces, each part from movements, and the poetic document from its various parts, and so forth, is called editing. Editing is one of the most significant instruments of effect possessed by the document technician and, therefore, by the poet also. Let us now become acquainted with its methods one by one.


SDPG @ Korova

Come see the Guild "transmuted into direct action, formulated not by a formula, but by a form," this Wednesday, 7pm, Korova Coffee House, 4496 Park Blvd. (south of Adams Ave.), in University Heights.

Vox Report, Los Blake, Sycophanticidal Lunacy, Puppet Correspondence, Document Retrieval, "Voice Exchange Rates" (from Tijuana), Watermelon Haiku, and other moments of applied literary activism.

Followed by Open [up the] Mic / public transmutation -- all welcome!

Free copies of the Guild newsletter, Zazil2, on hand for those who brave the rain.


And Then Two Weeks Go By


Guild Night at Korova, October 27, a Wednesday, about 7pm, maybe 90 minutes of programming followed by Open [up the] Mic.

Theme: "Pre-Election Selection Rejection"

Kicking off with "Next on Jerry Springer," smash-mouthed with Carlos maybe.

Other features: "Los Blake" (Conrad mixed with Dead Man, call-and-response, closing with live commentary, all to the tune of 'Round Midnight).

Here's the official promo:

> > Join us for Guild night at Korova Coffee Bar, Wed, Oct 27, 7-10pm.
> >
> > Program includes poetry and broken word performance, sound events,
> > video interludes, watermelon haiku, and other moments of applied
> > literary activism. Followed by Open [up the] Mic.
> >
> > Contact : : for further information.
> >
> > Details:
> >
> > SDPG @ Korova Coffee Bar
> > "Pre-Election Selection Rejection"
> > Wed, Oct 27, 7-10 pm, including Open [up the] Mic
> > 4496 Park Blvd. (south of Adams Ave.)
> > San Diego, CA

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